The Pop Group - We Are All Prostitutes:
Capitalism is the most barbaric of all religions
Department stores are our new cathedrals
Our cars are martyrs to the cause
The Guardian: Forget the gym. Head for the shopping centre:
"And it might not be long before even the supermarket is transformed into an exercise emporium. A hi-tech trolley has been developed to transform the typical supermarket shop into a gentle workout. Shoppers are thought to burn up about 150 calories during a typical 40-minute visit to the supermarket (provided they walk pretty quickly and carry their bags to the boot of their car afterwards), but pushing the Trim Trolley for the same time with the resistance level set at seven - with 10 being the hardest - the average person would use up 280 calories, the equivalent of a 20-minute swim. It was tested in stores by Tesco a couple of years ago and other supermarket chains are looking into similar equipment."
Modest Mouse - Teeth Like God's Shoeshine:
The malls are the soon to be ghost towns
So long, farewell, good-bye